79 posts categorized "Portland"

A few years ago in 2015, I wrote on this blog about the changing of the carpet design in the Portland Oregon International Airport. PDX Carpet Designs in AutoCAD DWG The new design was confusing and not iconic and fun like the classic design. Wikipedia on the PDX carpet design Well, roll forward to 2024 and they have finally heard my complaint, or the many others and are now returning to installing the old classic design carpet.The classic design was based on the airport’s North and South runways as seen by air traffic controllers at night in a nerdy artistic way. Read more →

“Gabe Paez of Autodesk’s The Wild joins Evan Troxel popular podcast TRXL to talk about the intersection of humans and immersive technologies, the magic of experiencing ideas together, shared reality, the difficulty of change in relation to new tools and workflows, the value of working in different ways, the (controversial) notion of having fun at work, Extended Reality (XR) as it relates to remote work, shortening the distance between an idea and an experience, experiential tools, the value of collaboration, synchronous and asynchronous work on projects, interactive and manipulatable environments, persistence of virtual environments, and more.” Read more →