Autodesk Forge Digital Twin Example Using Data Visualization API
Been Out for the Past Week for Holiday and Vacation

Down the Melting Neon Rabbit Hole of AI-Generated Art

I have recently been experimenting with a new technology, I know, I'm a techy geek and your are not shocked that I'm geeking out on something new. There are many new technologies harnessing AI to generate images based on words and instructions you feed it like Dall-E, Dall-E Mini aka CrAIon, and Midjourney. I got on the beta of Midjourney.

Midjourney runs using Discord (desktop or mobile) as its interface using the bot to send the commands to their trained AI engione. Its fun to learn and just watch and see what others are creating and how you can string commands to a specific look or rendering engine to generate.

How you use Midjourney
You use the command /Imagine <then you place a description what you want to imagine and get a result of>

For example I used:
”bioluminescent lupine flowers and morel mushrooms among a deep old growth ponderosa pine forest with dramatic lighting”

You get 4 images returned in a matter of a minute or two. You then can select and upscale the one you like, or select some iterations of some of the initial returns.

I will select the 2nd and 4th to upscale to high resolution using U2 and U4 as well select V2 and V4 to get more iterations to see more iterations. And thots how you lose hours of time geeking out.


Its quite interesting, and certainly not perfect, especially with faces, but can be a fun experimentation of how an AI interprets the text statements based on training data on the internet. You can have a dog made of marshmallows dancing on a river of chocolate and gumdrops or nautilus inspired iridescent buildings. I personally don't think this is taking any artists or designer jobs but may someday be an AI assistant to help concepts or perhaps study even building or design ideas but that is a long ways to go. AI can be used in many ways to help artists and designs such as mocap assistance or cleaning up images, or helping you in-context with something you are designing and offering options or looking ahead to what you may need next or checking standards. But for now this is pure geek fun to play with and see what weird results the AI comes up with as it can seem like someone spiked your coffee or you ate the wrong mushrooms in the woods. But, do end up with deep questions like “how does the AI know that a hat goes on a head, even a fish head and not the tail”. More bizarre is asking open ended like concepts like “love”, “peacefulness” or “the day the universe ended” and see how bizarre and thought provoking the result and try to think how and why it came up with the results.

I asked it to imagine an illustration of a silver labrador dog and got this one eyed creation.Still better than I can draw, especially in 2 minutes, but I at least know a dog has better eye placement than this zombie mutt.
c5e7fda0-d0ae-4d3f-8719-be56095f507f_Shaan Hurley_a_highlydetailedsilverLabradorretrieverasaillustration

Or my skyscraper made of cats and fish:
c2d273e4-324a-44b4-af85-8baf56574527_Shaan Hurley_a_highdetailedskyscrapermadeoffishandcats

San Francisco in the year 3000
72ff7a73-ba73-4e06-a77d-19ba11e46b44_Shaan_Hurley_a_futuristic_San_Francisco_in_the_year_30008115af78-ab4e-4e62-92b3-e5c4dd9fb730_Shaan Hurley_photo_ofSanFranciscoontheyear3000

I would not recommend asking “average people of your state or country” as the AI is rather weird with the results. Perhaps because there are so many weird internet photos out there or the AI just thinks poorly of us humans.
dd285bb3-b644-4a58-96f1-be50b1916e46_Shaan Hurley_average_peopleoforegone3e30e46-45df-4203-981e-c2c326305f9c_Shaan Hurley_average_peopleoforegon

Here are some of my creations the past 24 hours of playing around. Some are cool, and some are spooky:
239f0b55-e1d9-412b-b423-469004b66b04_Shaan Hurley_Delicate_ArchpaintedbyMonet (1)49a48fee-cfd0-4b9a-b6f5-012a7809b814_Shaan Hurley_nautilus_buildinggenerativefractaltranslucentwindowsinsiderainbowspeedoflight4koctanerender64f5d6d3-9ad5-461e-a438-b8d8f28998cd_Shaan_Hurley_nautilus_building_generative_fractal__translucent_windows_inside_rainbow_speed_of_light_4k_octane_re87963d76-c0c2-4370-8817-5edc5f8799d6_Shaan Hurley_coral_organicstructurehintsoflightdepthoffieldwhitemistylightcloseuphyper-realisticwomenluxuryhangba457620bc-75b7-4daa-b4e0-3ec58e44a594_Shaan Hurley_a_birthdaycakemadefromlizardskinwithanumber28candlelitontop439ba791-474e-4fdb-a4f9-6f172008ecc6_Shaan Hurley_darth_vaderinmexicanmuralismstyletrendingonartstationtrendingondeviantart29b67b64-f1e8-4815-9b34-a5e61d2b62f8_Shaan Hurley_a_highlydetailedmapofacate8f47dc9-31ff-44ea-960b-037d87ad292c_Shaan Hurley_steampunk_vangoghnightskyd80570d9-34a5-405f-809f-3c6895472e0f_Shaan Hurley_a_silverlabpuppyinsteampunkstyle4c15c894-d591-4d74-aa71-397485572a18_Shaan Hurley_architectural_conceptsketchofafuturisticsingleferriscabinmadeofglassperchedonacircularpedestalwithtw60501629-2d42-44cc-889f-e58e6f092058_Shaan Hurley_inside_ofbirdangelicanatomyhyperealsculpturesurrealhybridanimalsculptureanatomicalmedicalphotographh2cfa92a2-6fd9-49d7-8ff9-35bd2d6d7d5f_Shaan Hurley_a_highlydetailedpaintingofawaterfallflowingfromaponderosapinecoveredmountainwithbirdsflyingaround70d5a20e-7a31-4834-9aa2-1fe71b7b9563_Shaan Hurley_giant_creaturefigurehidingbehindtallwoodlandtreeslandscapelittlegirllooksupfromdistancephotorealisti2115151f-52f0-4461-bb81-bf15ef4b1ebb_Shaan Hurley_ponderosa_pinetreeforestinwatercolorbfb23775-3410-4cf8-8edd-cd719be5a870_Shaan Hurley_laughing_evilrobotoverlord9824f475-9aa0-4f57-befb-818b847bac6b_Shaan Hurley_butterfly_closeupcolorfulAutodesklogowidewingsrefractivedynamiclightae93da70-d2b0-460f-9575-03ac603f3255_Shaan Hurley_nautilus_buildinggenerativedesignfractalstructuretranslucentwindowsinsiderainbowspeedoflight4koctane2732994d-134b-46aa-a1c6-8d89d4a212cc_Shaan Hurley_a_girlfloatinginthefantasticuniverse2cf4db55-fff7-4e85-b934-a6ad9f7596c7_Shaan Hurley_a_highlydetailedsilverlabdogdancingonaalpinemeadowalongariver4k4c15c894-d591-4d74-aa71-397485572a18_Shaan Hurley_architectural_conceptsketchofafuturisticsingleferriscabinmadeofglassperchedonacircularpedestalwithtw60501629-2d42-44cc-889f-e58e6f092058_Shaan Hurley_inside_ofbirdangelicanatomyhyperealsculpturesurrealhybridanimalsculptureanatomicalmedicalphotographh

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