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Mass Timber Summit and Hackathon in Portland Oregon

Mass Timber Workshops and Hackathon

Are you passionate about technology, AEC design, sustainable wood, and mass timber design and construction?

If you answered yes to any of these, you should consider attending the Mass Timber Summit Hackathon being held in beautiful Portland Oregon March 20-22, 2020.

Join leading architects, engineers, researchers, builders, fabricators, real estate professionals and technologists for a weekend of innovation focused on mass timber, digitalization of construction, automation, robotics and software.

Mass Timber Workshops and Hackathon

Link to Event Page

Presenters (Friday afternoon from 1- 6 pm) and Saturday morning.

“The event will feature workshops and presentations followed by a weekend long hackathon focused on mass timber. This event will be followed by the International Mass Timber Conference on March 24-26th. We welcome participants to join both events in Portland, Oregon .

The Pacific Northwest is the fastest emerging American "cluster" of mass timber companies and home to the country's most productive forests. Interest in mass timber is growing quickly as are the "local" and thriving technology, real estate and construction industries - all while the U.S. West Coast housing shortage continues to grow. Join us for a weekend of developing solutions using technology and timber.

This event is created to give those designing, building, fabricating and building the future of the mass timber industry a unique opportunity to learn from and collaborate with both partners and cutting-edge technologies and the technologists creating the tools and future of the $12 trillion construction industry.

The first "Mass Timber Hackathon" is being organized by the team that created a global construction innovation movement through the AEC Hackathon (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) events (43 AEC Hackathons in 30 cities in 10 countries thus far). This Hackathon will be focused on mass timber and associated digitalization.

What happens at a Hackathon focused on Construction Innovation?

Watch the videos below from past AEC Hackathons we helped organize. The first video is from Copenhagen from our AEC Hackathon at Bloxhub in 2019 and the second from our AEC Hackathon in Berlin in 2018. Also please visit our AEC Hackathon website to better understand how Hackathons and Construction happen.

Proposed Hack Challenges:

Timber City West: Timber neighborhoods are in development in many countries but not yet the U.S. We think the U.S. West Coast is an ideal region for timber cities and neighborhoods. Let's develop a plan to build the first one - and then scale!

Existing timber neighborhoods in development:

Mass Timber Passive House: Mass Timber buildings constructed to passive house standards are an ideal combination for extremely green wooden cities (Google Sidewalk also selected this combination for their Toronto project). There are still only a few buildings in North America constructed from mass timber to this standard - one is a home we fabricated in West Vancouver . Teams with passive house and mass timber experience would be perfect.

Off Grid Mass Timber Homes: Digitally Fabricated Mass Timber is very efficient and ideal for off grid, green building and for construction in remote areas with short buildings seasons like ski resorts or islands. Explore mass timber design for off grid living.

Propose your own Hack!: Based on our experience organizing 40 AEC Hackathons, we expect most people will build their own teams and develop their own Hack project at the event. We highly encourage you to do so and look forward to seeing what your team creates.”

I hope to see you there!
