Awhile back I asked people to help re-create the 1970’s era drawing file Engineers Guide to Drinks in 3D. I first found this fun drawing years ago when it was a test DWG file for a plotter company. A couple years back Florian Römhild of re-drew the guide in DWG format and a few others have also modified the popular drawing like the Whisky Drinks version. Robert Lupo was a rock star and recreated the Engineers Guide to Drinks in 3D in AutoCAD. Robert is a Piping Engineer and Designer and created an accurate 3D version of the iconic 1970s test plot drawing that has been so very popular in recent history.
I am now making the AutoCAD DWG files available for download.
3D_Engineers-Guide-to-Drinks-SGH.dwg can currently only view the 2D representation online, but you can download and view the 3D DWG.
The 2D versions of the drawings:
2D Engineers-Guide-to-Drinks MAILLE 2010a.dwg
2D whiskey-drinks.dwg
I am also re-creating this fun old design in other Autodesk products like 3ds max and Autodesk Fusion 360. It would be fun to also have it re-imagined in Revit as architecture.