It was a great day in terms of Autodesk University classes, presentations, and the keynote. Sadly the evening did not go so well for me and my laptop. Currently I am reinstalling all applications from scratch on a new computer. My trusty laptop hardware decided to completely fry tonight both motherboard components & the hard drive. Read more →
20 posts from November 2011
I hope you got some good sleep last night and will be attending the the General Session Keynote Hall D, Level 2 at 8:00 a.m. As I mentioned last night, there will be something special around the legal disclaimer at the very beginning of the keynote. It is also amazing to see a single 200' wide x 25' tall screen. Read more →
Autodesk University 2011 Is Here!
28 November 2011
Autodesk University officially starts for general sessions tomorrow, although several events have been going on for 2 days already. I am finding myself with little time to do anything other than event preparation and work. Thanks to my self-imposed and successful 10pm curfew, I will spend the last bit of energy in my tank for this post. Read more →
There are several Innovation Forums planned at Autodesk University on Tuesday November 29th and well worth attending. I worked with a great team for one of the speakers that will be thought provoking on the research to find the origins of humans. Specifically I worked on a project where Paleontologist Louise Leakey used Project Photofly now named Autodesk123D Catch in Kenya to capture the rare +1 million year old hominid skulls in a textured 3D model to share with the world. Read more →
In several years of attending AU one thing has been a common occurrence and that is a group of attendees with several questions for Autodesk employees and teams outside the class or event hours. What usually takes place is a group of people huddle around a laptop to see a demo or how to accomplish something or as a group solve a problem or show something cool. And I have goodies to give away! Read more →
Autodesk University 2011 officially begins in just 3 days, but it begins for me in less than 24 hours. I will begin to post photos to the AU 2011 Photo Group Pool and my Flickr Photostream of behind the scenes, the people, and the event this weekend. Read more →
If you have the Autodesk Design Suite or both AutoCAD 2012 and 3ds Max 2012 or 3ds Max Design 2012 then this new Autodesk Labs posted technology preview might be a really interesting. This Quick Send to 3ds Max combines or links the workflows of AutoCAD and 3ds Max Design. Read more →
Autodesk University attendees have the opportunity to win a MakerBot Thing-O-Matic or other great prizes by using their creativity in the 123D Fab! Challenge. Read more →
The Autodesk Book was released this March in print at the TED conference and now also available on your iPad. The book celebrates the impact of design. Imagine Design Create tells stories of how technology is transforming the very nature of design and shows several amazing examples. Read more →
In the past I had exhausted extra creative energy by seeing how far I could take polylines and hatches within AutoCAD. In one extreme case recreated the Mayan calendar. Check out my latest creation to be used at Autodesk University and selfish promotion of this Between the Lines blog in a QR Code. Read more →
If you are interested in helping Autodesk create a better workflow between Autodesk Products. Your input will help us create a more fluid workflow between design solutions. Read more →
Never being content for towing the typical expected experience in events, presentations, or social media we came up with a way to show what our creative customers do in a very interesting experimental way. We have done wild things over the years at main stage and certainly pushing that proverbial envelope. Anyone remember the 360 degree immersive Project Metropolis (now known as Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler) shown live demo of a fly into a city on 20 HD projection screens? Read more →
Autodesk Users Group International (AUGI) which is an independent user group of hundreds of thousands of Autodesk product users has a product wish list system. The latest submitted wish list items are now live and ready for you to vote on. The completed wish lists are provided to the Autodesk product teams for consideration in future releases and carries a great deal of importance and priority with the teams. Product Wish Lists Available AutoCAD AutoCAD Civil 3D Inventor Revit Architecture Revit MEP Revit Structure Read more →
I’m a big fan of the new plot to PDF feature that came out with AutoCAD 2010. The PDF’s AutoCAD creates are small and include benefits such as searchable text and Layers… But what if you don’t want to include your Layer table in your PDF plots? Read more →
As of November 14th, 2011 at 8:00 PST there are only 14 days (two weeks) remaining until Autodesk University in Las Vegas. Speakers get your handouts uploaded and get practicing your classes. Read more →
After attending every Las Vegas Autodesk University I have compiled a long list of tips for not only surviving but making the most of Autodesk University. Autodesk University is the premier Autodesk customer event held yearly (AU History) where several thousand creative design and visualization experts descend on Las Vegas. They arrive wide eyed, craving knowledge from the best in the industry, and many seeking refuge from the seemingly endless Thanksgiving holiday turkey leftovers. They leave tired and full of valuable knowledge to make them more productive back at work. I know I could have broken this into four posts but wanted to provide the entire wealth of tips in one place for you to select from. Think of it as a Las Vegas style food buffet of Autodesk University tips. Read more →
Project Photofly has now graduated as an Autodesk product and is now named 123D Catch. This is what Autodesk Labs is for in that we place a early technology to get feedback and support whether there is enough demand and promise to make it an Autodesk product. Read more →
I thought I would share a travel related experience from this week. I thought I would share a travel related experience from this week. In addition to being late for a flight, hungry, and creating the first Airline Stew, I had opportunities to hear multiple airline announcement styles. Read more →
Autodesk University attendees, you will be here in this location with several thousand fellow attendees in only 23 days. I was there for the afternoon yesterday preparing for AU events. It was a short trip of all work and no play. Right now like many others I am busy around the clock with #AU2011 related events, classes, materials, and more. This crazy workload results in a annual & temporary blog post frequency reduction - but I am able to post more in small bite size chewy nuggets on Twitter. Read more →
As of today you can generate and manage isometric drawings using the Autodesk Cloud with the AutoCAD® Isometrics WS technology preview. Read more →