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20 posts from November 2011

It was a great day in terms of Autodesk University classes, presentations, and the keynote. Sadly the evening did not go so well for me and my laptop. Currently I am reinstalling all applications from scratch on a new computer. My trusty laptop hardware decided to completely fry tonight both motherboard components & the hard drive. Read more →

There are several Innovation Forums planned at Autodesk University on Tuesday November 29th and well worth attending. I worked with a great team for one of the speakers that will be thought provoking on the research to find the origins of humans. Specifically I worked on a project where Paleontologist Louise Leakey used Project Photofly now named Autodesk123D Catch in Kenya to capture the rare +1 million year old hominid skulls in a textured 3D model to share with the world. Read more →

In several years of attending AU one thing has been a common occurrence and that is a group of attendees with several questions for Autodesk employees and teams outside the class or event hours. What usually takes place is a group of people huddle around a laptop to see a demo or how to accomplish something or as a group solve a problem or show something cool. And I have goodies to give away! Read more →

Never being content for towing the typical expected experience in events, presentations, or social media we came up with a way to show what our creative customers do in a very interesting experimental way. We have done wild things over the years at main stage and certainly pushing that proverbial envelope. Anyone remember the 360 degree immersive Project Metropolis (now known as Autodesk Infrastructure Modeler) shown live demo of a fly into a city on 20 HD projection screens? Read more →

Autodesk Users Group International (AUGI) which is an independent user group of hundreds of thousands of Autodesk product users has a product wish list system. The latest submitted wish list items are now live and ready for you to vote on. The completed wish lists are provided to the Autodesk product teams for consideration in future releases and carries a great deal of importance and priority with the teams. Product Wish Lists Available AutoCAD AutoCAD Civil 3D Inventor Revit Architecture Revit MEP Revit Structure Read more →

After attending every Las Vegas Autodesk University I have compiled a long list of tips for not only surviving but making the most of Autodesk University. Autodesk University is the premier Autodesk customer event held yearly (AU History) where several thousand creative design and visualization experts descend on Las Vegas. They arrive wide eyed, craving knowledge from the best in the industry, and many seeking refuge from the seemingly endless Thanksgiving holiday turkey leftovers. They leave tired and full of valuable knowledge to make them more productive back at work. I know I could have broken this into four posts but wanted to provide the entire wealth of tips in one place for you to select from. Think of it as a Las Vegas style food buffet of Autodesk University tips. Read more →

Autodesk University attendees, you will be here in this location with several thousand fellow attendees in only 23 days. I was there for the afternoon yesterday preparing for AU events. It was a short trip of all work and no play. Right now like many others I am busy around the clock with #AU2011 related events, classes, materials, and more. This crazy workload results in a annual & temporary blog post frequency reduction - but I am able to post more in small bite size chewy nuggets on Twitter. Read more →