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The Aztec / Mayan Calendar in DWG & 2012

 Sun Stone in DWG I am not one of those who believe the world is going to end in December 21, 2012. Some base their predictions of a doomsday event on the ancient Aztec and Mayan calendar sun stone such as the new movie 2010, and some on the web such as http://www.viewzone.com/endtime.html & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon. Personally  I think it will be another non-event like the Y2k worries and I am comforted to know NASA feels the same about the topic.

The only event I can predict currently will be that Autodesk University 2009 will begin next week in Las Vegas.

Recently I had to get some stress and energy out on a Saturday night and decided to create a DWG of the calendar using Autodesk AutoCAD 2010. Originally I was using it as a good way to show how performance of AutoCAD 2010 hatching was improved. I stated with some rough geometry available on the web and then I developed the AutoCAD 2010 DWG file.

Aztec Calendar in AutoCAD Aztec Calendar in AutoCAD

I am providing the AutoCAD 2010 DWG of the Sun Stone for those who want a copy for fun. I also posted the DWF on Autodesk Freewheel so you can view without installing AutoCAD or a DWF file viewer. View Here

Download AutoCAD 2010 DWG of the Aztec/Mayan Sun Stone 2149K 

I provided the simple version of my DWG with only two colors. If you come up with a great color scheme or 3D version for the Sun Stone email me an image. [email protected]

