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18 posts from May 2009

I want to thank AUGI’s President Mark Kiker, the dedicated and hard working AUGI AutoCAD Wish List volunteer Brenda Richardson, and the AUGI membership for another great cycle of nomination and voting for the AutoCAD Wish List. While I cannot provide details on future development publicly, I can say you will be pleased at our listening and knocking more items off the Wish List. You, the user of our products are vital to defining the direction and future functionality of our products. We sincerely appreciate your helping shape the future of Autodesk products! Read more →

Have an AutoCAD question, you have the opportunity to ask a master of AutoCAD on the AutoCAD Exchange site is the Ask an Expert section. The AutoCAD Exchange is free after signing up and contains many great resources and opportunities for networking. This week the expert is well known “The AutoCAD Trainer Guy” Michael Beall. Read more →

AutoCAD customers have been asking for the option to rotate the view with their associated viewport. This was a top item in the AUGI AutoCAD Wish List June 2007 submitted by Bill N. With AutoCAD 2010 we have added the ability to rotate objects in a viewport with the viewport easily without having to become a UCS ninja master. Read more →

I was doing some planning work for a new pond in my backyard and thought I would share a cool tip. When drawing a 2D layout of my yard’s landscaping I was presented with the problem of duplicating the flowerbeds border with the grass regions. Instead of copying and drawing outlines which could cause problems with the splines I used for the curved shapes, I used the trick of creating a new boundary polyline with a Hatch. Below is a tutorial on how you can do the same trick and as a bonus showed my design styled in Autodesk Impression. Read more →