I have been telling people during my presentations and here on the blog to enable the Customer Involvement Program (CIP) to better the products. This is in addition to sending in the CER reports when you crash.
The CIP data does nothing but tell us without impacting your anonymity or performance how you use our products. This data allows us to know common commands sequences and hardware so we can make better decisions based on the data from day to day users of the products instead of relaying on surveys, interviews, calls, and perhaps using a dartboard.
The Autodesk Research group has been slicing and dicing data to better understand the top commands and then the top 3 most common following commands. Command clusters are also important and understanding one commands paths to other commands.
Beyond just a a cool chart, the data can help us figure out better ways to provide tools and menu structures to work more like you do and also what the most common hardware and environment is being used. Imagine a trend of a series of commands and we figure out that we could reduce the sequences clicks or picks saving you time and increasing productivity.
Now for the cool charts based on the millions of individual pieces of data sent by product users so far. Click on them to see more details.
Surprise the top command is ERASE. The three most common commands after ERASE are: ERASE, MOVE, and COPY.
It is not just AutoCAD it is other Autodesk Products such as Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Revit, 3ds max etc.
Here is Revit and holding consistent with AutoCAD, BUTTON-DELETE is the top. The three most common commands after BUTTON_DELETE is, ANNOTATIONS-DIMENSION, and EDIT-MOVE.
Here is 3ds max and still holding consistent with AutoCAD, UNDO SCENE OPERATION is the top of the commands.
Here is Inventor, but apparently we Mechanical designers and engineers do not make mistakes as DELETE, UNDO, or ERASE are not the top command APPROTATEVIEW is.
Please keep sending in the CIP and CER data to continue improving the Autodesk products you use.
Thank you,