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AutoCAD 2006 White Papers - Networking, Migration, and Dynamic Blocks

AutoCAD DPI to DWF precision in Metric

Quelle valeur de DPI est-ce que je devrais employer?

…that’s French for “What size DPI value should I use?” Many customers have asked how to determine appropriate DPI in order to get appropriate levels of precision in DWF.  As such, we devised a formula for determining appropriate DPI settings that AutoCAD authors can use to get appropriate dimensions. The information was provided in a “measurements per inch” table in an earlier posting. Many of our metric users asked for a similar table. The easiest way to express our formula is in a table of popular values. “Measurement per centimeter” is listed across the top. “Precision desired” is listed along the left. The table contains the results which are the DPI values you want:


So as an example, if you have a drawing where 1 centimeter equals 10 meters and want to use DWF Composer to measure to the nearest millimeter, you would generate the DWF file using a DPI value of 50800. You can set the DPI in AutoCAD by:

1. From the menu, select File->Plot. This brings up the Plot dialog.

2. Ensure that DWF 6 ePlot.pc3 is selected. Click on Properties. This brings up a tree control.

3. Select “Graphics” from the tree and expand it. It contains an entry for “Custom Properties.” Select “Custom Properties” in the tree control. This displays a Custom Properties button. Click the Custom Properties button.

4. Set the “Vector resolution” to the desired value. You can leave the other DPI values (i.e., “Gradient resolution,” “Color and grayscale resolution,” and “Black and white resolution” as is. Legal values from the menu pull down are between 150 and 4800. A custom value, such as 5080000, can be entered using the keyboard.

For the Imperial units version table see the May 9th 2005 post Here
